# 56: Why Always Either/Or?

Silke Schmidt
2 min readNov 27, 2020


Sher, Barbara, with Barbara Smith (1994). I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was: How to Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It, 102.

Story behind the Passage

The book by Barbara Sher was recommended to me by a doctoral student a few years ago. Actually, she did not recommend it to me but she mentioned it had helped her. And since I very well knew what she was talking about, I bought it. It helped me a lot. I see things differently today but the issue will never go away. It comes up again and again. “Scanners” cannot pretend they are someone else.

My Learnings

“A scholar is someone who sticks to something. A poet is someone who uses whatever sticks to him.”

What do you want?

You are saying this,

next day you are doing that.

But then you are doing both.

This does not work.

You have to decide.

You are losing FOCUS!

Either scholar

Or entrepreneur.

Either thinker

Or doer.

Either writer

Or teacher.

You are losing FOCUS!

Hybrid is bullshit.

There is no space in-between.

People do not want it.

They do not see it.

You cannot feel it.

There is no room to live.

You are losing FOCUS!

What if either

is or?

What if the scholar

is the entrepreneur?

What if the writer

is the teacher?

You are losing FOCUS!

The scholar CAN focus.

The entrepreneur CAN focus.

The teacher CAN focus.

The writer DOES focus.

Whenever he FEELS like it.

Whenever he DECIDES to.

Go to hell Either/Or.

Reflection Questions

1) Are you a “scanner” or a “diver”?

2) If you could quit your job today and start doing what you love tomorrow — what would it be?

3) Do you care about what “culture” dictates?



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