# 528: Lost


Silke Schmidt
3 min readMar 28, 2024
Foto von Maria Hochgesang auf Unsplash

Woke up

All of a sudden

Many awakenings

In a row

Had to get away

To find myself again

Was lost

For many years

Took the wrong turn

Listened to the wrong people

Heard the wrong things

In their words

Was it their fault?

Was it mine?

Wrong question

It is not about faults

Or blaming people

Blaming myself

Life needs to be lived

Going back is impossible

Finding yourself

Means finding now

I am not the one

From three years ago

I am not the one

Three years from now

Lesson learned

To listen to my feelings

I muted them

Amongst bad energy

When healthy and whole

Bad energy does not matter

But it did in my case

I entered the fog

Lost sight of the sun

I thought I felt

But I only thought

Until I lost

What was inside

It was there all the time

But I suppressed it

Until the feelings broke

Like a volcano that spits

Golden reddish lava

Flying in the air

Flowing down the rocks

First quickly

Then never ending

Where am I now?

Who am I inside?

Found old things again

Discovered new sides

Will still take time

To recover from the trip

And to really heal

What had not healed before

The illusion of healing

Tricks you many times

You discover a wound

And you find the source

But after you’re done

Life brings you back

To the same old wound

And rips it open again

No regret necessary

Because it is a gift

You grow wiser and lighter

You smile more and shine

The love inside unfolds

With every step back

You just have to see

The good in being lost

As soon as you see it

You’re already new

The past can be named

From the perspective of now

Have no idea

How I made it through

Almost lost it all

Except for myself

That is the beauty

Of spiritual growth

You learn not to fear

What cannot be lost

The treasure of your heart

Gets unveiled with every layer

Like an onion you peel

You take off everything

That covers the real

The peels are not useless

Every cover has its purpose

Every layer hides fear

Fear is the driver

Of conflict and pain

Of sorrow and darkness

Do not worry about it

It will come again

We are all humans

Fear is a lovely companion

To show us the way

Getting lost is a gift

No travel company offers

You have to seek it yourself

To create your reality

Those who follow

The common path

Forget how happy

They were as a child

Not knowing where to go

And who to be

Just living every day

As their heart told

Not all children are free

I know it well

Still we can find

The lost child inside

We can hug it and say

“you’re safe with me”

Getting lost is a way

To find that child

And see it in those

Who guided you there

It is not up to others

To show me new ways

It is up to me

To feel it inside

And so much joy

Unfolds in that freedom

Finding your new self

In the old person

Adventure for the soul

Just remember one thing

Never regret

And never blame

There is a purpose

You cannot see

Before you are willing

To get lost on the way.



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