# 517: Just Being
all life long,
from one thing
to the next.
Chasing success
Spinning strategies
All for others
Losing self.
What is fun?
Forgot it.
Always goals
When hating goals
Fucking brain
Know what’s wrong
No exit
Until awakening
Love you
The way you are
No need to heal
No need to run
Just being?
So easy?
Knew it before
No way to live it
Wanna start anew
Leave behind the past
All the shadows
That make me beautiful
The inner child
May be
And the grown up
May be
Don’t give a shit
if I am crazy
in your eyes
will not change
for you
or for others
not even for me
can just be
who I am
No regrets
And no need
To be strong
Want to be weak
In your arms
When I hug myself
Confidence is a word
Hard to know
When you run
Tears falling down
The smiling cheeks.
God, please
Be there
In my new life
I know you will
Because I trust
Welcome in the future
Without missing the now
I love you
Dearest me
Kiss me
Every day
I feel you now
And I thank life
For every step
Of the rocky road
All of you
I was running after
You were mirrors
Of my shell
Now the flower shines
In many colors
And I have no idea
What happens next
Really open
Welcoming surprise
Saying no
To the old
Embracing warmth
Oh, happy day
Amazing grace
Finally found me
To be myself