# 474: Calling You
Feel like calling
But I can’t.
Too hesitant,
Too self-reliant,
Too weak to express
That I need you.
I want you.
But thinking prevails.
Needing is bad.
Can do it myself.
Have managed my life
Through sorrow and grief.
Calling you?
Why now?
Yes, you are there.
I heard you.
Maybe thinking of me,
Maybe not.
How much does it take?
For the ego to break?
This inner child
Longing for protection.
Feeling your warmth,
Smelling your skin,
Touching your fingers.
Calling you?
What is it good for?
Would I complain?
Would I cry?
Would I laugh?
Being in the moment
Is hard to do
If all this time
You control yourself.
Give it up!
Let go!
Love brings freedom
And fear is not love.
The voice of God
Knows what is right.
But too many voices
Mute the truth
Calling you?
What would you think?
I am weak.
I am longing.
Maybe I am sick.
We all have wounds.
Why be ashamed
Of my scars?
You know them well
As I know yours
Why can we not
Talk about them?
The truth is
I trust you.
And I know that
The timing is right
When it is meant to be.
I will call you
Or you call me.
And then we talk
Or maybe we cry.
Every day is a chance
To let the universe know
That trusting is all
About leaving behind.
Faith is courage,
It means surrender.
When I trust myself,
I call you.
No matter what,
Not there yet.
The phone keeps quiet,
My heart is weeping.
But that’s alright,
It has to be.
In this moment
The the sun shining,
The day unfolding.
Just feel my thoughts
And all the love.
No words needed
And demands to conceil.
You are right
The way you are.
I am right
The way I am.
Until we feel
That this is true.
No one will call.
Until God opens the door
And unlocks our hearts.
It is happening right now
Slowly but surely.
I can see the light
As it brightens the dark.
Your voice is tender
And your words are soft.
We have time,
No hurry needed.
Some day we will say
Remember that call,
When we said nothing at all?
That was the one
That set us free.