# 453: Australia Poetry — “Gravity”
Gravity is trust,
Falling into the hands
Of people known.
Can you fall?
Without knowing?
You never know
But you can prepare.
Stretch your muscles,
Practice your skills.
Your body tense,
Your mind focused,
Looking at the wall,
Preparing to jump.
Hands will open,
Down on the ground.
It takes pain to get here
But there is no other way.
To be you
If you feel it,
Hold on to it.
Pursue your being
With every cell of the body.
You have one life,
Yours is art.
Pure pleasing,
Pure living the moment.
People watching,
They pay
They clap,
If they feel?
Does not matter,
You know
That gravity is an illusion,
A game to play,
A drug to consume.
Sometimes too much
Gets you in trouble.
That is alright,
You need it
To come back to balance,
Jump and fall,
They will catch you.
Those who love
Will feel it with you.
Gravity is a thought
One that liberates.
It makes us fall,
It hurts us,
And then we break free
Into open space.
Take off your clothes,
Take off your mask,
Not needed,
Fall as you are
And you will see
There is more to life
Than fear and pain.
One, two, three…