# 449: BOOK OF THE WEEK — “A Whole New Earth”

Silke Schmidt
5 min readFeb 27, 2023


Tolle, Eckhart (2005). A New Earth.

Story behind the Book Choice

As I am writing this on a train between Krambach and Sydney, my fingers are moving slower than usually. They have not been typing in the past few days. No, there is nothing wrong with my fingers nor with the computer. It is simply that I have been away from the internet for several days. What a blessing! Whenever that happens, I do not feel as if I am missing anything. I am missing the nice feeling of my fingers moving on the keyboard, that is true. But I am not missing the connectedness to the world. In fact, I feel more connected to the world and the earth when I am away from messages. This time, I will take that back to my “normal life,” whatever that ends up being.

I have no clue.

That finding is a breakthrough.

Admitting it is a blessing.

These thoughts about connectedness and writing already take me to the book. Tolle has been an amazing influence on my spiritual journey. I know, some old-fashioned Christians or theologians call Tolle and others members of “New Age” spirituality, basically dismissing them for their major contribution which is to bring spiritual wisdom to the people in a language that is clear, accessible, and sometimes quite life-changing. But I am not writing about them today, I am writing about Tolle and A New Earth. I have to say that this book is not sooooo different from The Power of Now. But maybe I just do not remember much about The Power of Now, except for the fact that it was groundbreaking for me. I can very well remember where I read it: In New York City. And it did bring revelations to me.

But revelations are nothing permanent.

Nothing is permanent.

But we hardly ever accept that.

The New Earth has not done that to that extent to, I mean the revelation part, but that does not mean much. One should not compare books, just like one should not compare anything. That is an important lesson in and of itself and it is also included in this book. What struck me most this time, and that is because of where I am on my journey and my advanced stage of learning about Christianity, is how much of a Bible teacher Tolle is. I do remember the Jesus quotations from his talks online but I was not aware he includes them so frequently in his books. Of course, they appear alongside Buddhist and Hindu teachings and that underlines the great power of Tolle’s teachings: He is not just some “guru,” who insists on non-verbal or at least “non-academic” content as the path to awakening. No, he has this ability to relate one to the other, thus making it a very enjoyable and refreshing read for Christians who want to gain a view “out of the box” — if they wish to, of course.

  1. Flowers
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This is the very opening of the book and it set the tone for me. This passage about the beauty of the flower in relation to the teachings of Jesus and Buddha unfolds the gist of what the book is about, even though it is not expressed like this: finding beauty in everything and every moment. That is what being awake allows you to do or rather to BE. Tolle does not write this for people who want to wake up desparately (that is not possible anyhow). He writes it for people at any stage of the journey. And the flower directs your mind to beauty. And beauty provokes gratitude. And that is a large part of what happiness is all about.

Can you see?

2. Energy

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Yesterday I did a retreat session with a horse. What I mean is that I had her work with me. I came with a question and she worked me through to the answer. It was very simple. We needed very few words. Everything happened with the energy we spread and the intention I had. Horses do not manifest intentions. They ARE. I came with the intention to bond with her. She accepted, she even got into it. I had another horse interfere. He distracted my energy away from her. She did not bother. She stayed with me. She taught me so much in these 15 minutes or so, it is incredible. Only horses can do that. But we can do that with everyone — people, animals, things. What I mean is: Let our energy do the trick. Let our energy move mountains. That is what Tolle is talking about above. If you have no idea what that means, then either get into it or just let it be. It is your choice.

3. Stillness

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The fact that beauty and happiness are found in the smallest things is probably familiar to everyone. The thing is, however, if you are not in the state of stillness, you will probably miss these little things. If your mind is constantly busy thinking or looking or doing whatever, you will miss these little things. Because the little things only unfold their beauty if you just see them as they are. You do not label or judge. You do not do anything with them. You just notice their presence. It might sound pretty spooky to people who have never dealt with spirituality or meditation but it is real. This way of perceiving the world is a lot more real than what we normally think reality means. And if you learn to see in this way, you will also be able to hear the stillness inside. Yes, stillness can be “heard,” I would say. I do not have better words for it. But it is there.

I am so happy I have found my way back to it — at least partly.

It has not been easy.

But it is easy to maintain if you stay

With Yourself,

Thank you, Lumina and Sonja.

Reflection Questions

1) What do you associate with flowers?

2) Do you believe in the concept of “energy” as moving the world and especially relationships among people?

3) Have you ever felt the stillness inside, no matter how noisy it was around you? If not, would you like to experience it?



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