# 435: Slow Love


Silke Schmidt
3 min readDec 5, 2022

Learning from mistakes

Is what life is all about.

Fell in love very quickly,

Lived out the passion too fast.

Overrun by emotions,

Love letters every day.

No way to handle it

Both of us overwhelmed.

Too fast for too little trust

Too frightened to let things unfold

Carrying much family burden

Desperately looking for love.

Living our own literary romance.

Then all was gone.

From one day to the next.

I pushed the brake.

Has been hurting ever since.

Saw no way out.

Maybe it helped us both.

Still not over it for years.

Not ready to love again.

Longing to be loved very much.

Feeling lonelier with every year.

— — —

Learning from mistakes.

— — —

Now a new world unfolds.

Things happening slowly.

Trusting in the speed of the other.

Doubting much and suppressing impatience.

Surprised about every step.

Wanting to touch and be touched.

Knowing it is too early.

No romance on paper.

No castles in the air.

Just plain life and experience.

Witnessing what is.

Unsure if this is love.

Unsure if it is all in my head.

Then more signs appear.

Short smiles and gestures.

Rare touches and moves.

Always wanting more faster

Reminded of old mistakes

“For some things I take much time.”

Maybe our “thing”?

Waking up with this deep longing.

Learning what true desire means.

Want more of you.

Maybe it will never happen.

Maybe we will never touch.

Would this make me fall?

Or is it unreasonable fear?

Is it just learning to love differently?

Was the love I remember not true?

I know that I am ready,

For life to happen.

If there is one person I trust.

It is YOU.

And if you do not love me

It is not meant to be.

If you love me slowly,

I am here to learn.

Fast love opened up God to me.

Slow love might be the sign

That God brings you people

When you least expect them

To teach you things

You never knew you could learn

Maybe all will be good in the end

Maybe we will unite.

At least I can say

Every day is a blessing.

When I think of you.

When I talk to you.

When we write.

Maybe wanting more is the original sin.

But we are made of flesh and skin.

We want to feel

What it is like to be held.

When I smell your skin

And I see your eyes.

There are depths I want to explore

And there are wounds I want to comfort.

If you let me.

In your heart.


Very slowly.

It feels right.

To be trusting you.

And your speed.

If nothing else happens.

I will have learned this.

That every day brings a small step.

Without me forcing anything.

Slow love and deep touches.

Maybe the beginning

Of a new life.

With two souls

Swinging in harmony.

In two different people.

Who feel like they belong

As two parts of one whole.

Love knocks when you least expect it.

When you have given up hope.

You have to find yourself.

And be willing to let others see you,

As you cannot see yourself.

A source of warmth and inspiration

A fountain of joy and energy.

I wish I can give all this to you

With my hands and heart.

Slowly and sensitively

Exploring your soul and your body.

I will never hurt you on purpose.

But we all do.

What you have taught me already

Is that slowness prevents misery

It does take strength

To let the days unfold

Without me tearing the grass.

It is worth it, however.

I am all yours.

Take me on your slow boat trip.

I will not interfere.

Just watching the waves,

Carrying us forward.

I see a shore

And I feel you see one too.

If they are the same

I cannot know.

Please continue rowing

At your own speed.

I will keep quiet and alert

I will remain patient and trust

There is only one thing I want

That you feel joy in your life.

However long it lasts

I want to make you smile

Make you feel loved

Be protected and warm.

Just go on

I leave it all to you.

— — —

Slow love.

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Reflection Questions

1) Do you believe in “love at first sight”?

2) Did you ever regret falling in love?

3) Do you think love requires friendship first? Can you ever be friends with someone you were in love with before?



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