# 292: Divine Animals

Silke Schmidt
2 min readJul 21, 2021


Degré, Tippi (2001). Tippi aus Afrika: Das Mädchen, das mit den Tieren spricht, 77.

Story behind the Passage

Yesterday someone told me that a horse had died in our stable. I was shocked. I mean, yes, animals die just like we do. But horses are very special animals. They are fascinating. You can watch them for hours and just be awestruck by their majesty. I know that happens with other animals too — at least for me. I love watching all kinds of animals. But horses are special also because they are so delicate and sensitive at the same time. That is also why I am always so touched when they suffer. I mean, we have all these tools and medical technology but when horses break a leg or have some stomache issue, it is really severe — it is life-threatening. And sometimes, their owners have to let them go…

Today, I read more about the meaning of animals in religion. We all know these blended statues of Gods with animal heads, right? Even the Europeans have animal symbols and ornaments in the palaces. The Ancients believed that animals have special souls; that human souls actually return in their bodies. And as you know, many denominations still believe this. I believe there really is no difference between our souls. And horses, for sure, have special wisdom which they sometimes share with us when we are attentive and sensitive enough to listen to them. Some of us have this as their calling.

My Learnings

“Wenn Elefanten alt sind, ziehen sie ganz allein los, um irgendwo zu sterben.“ / “When elephants are old, they go all by themselves to die somewhere.“ These two passages above are so beautiful that I do not want to dissect them or divert from their meaning and wisdom by adding too many comments. I just want to point to the connection between the animals and the divine. When I just flipped open the book randomly, I ended up on this page. It is no accident that Tippi’s words about the elephants and her faith are found on the same page, I believe.

I just had to check online quickly what Tippi does now as a grown up.

She is a filmmaker.

Art is where the divine finds expression.

Just like in animals.

Just watch and listen to them…

Reflection Questions

1) What do animals mean to you?

2) How do you think about children like Tippi — would they ever be able to adapt to “normal” life in Europe as grown-ups?

3) Do you believe in any divine power?



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