# 216: Trading Man

Silke Schmidt
2 min readMay 6, 2021


Fogerty, John Cameron. “Proud Mary.”

Story behind the Passage

As so often happens, an encounter today made me ponder. It was a remarkable encounter — unexpected, spontaneous, with someone really unremarkably remarkable. Just a wonderful and inspiring person who brings joy and wellbeing to the people with what he does. In the car afterwards, I turned on the radio and “Proud Mary” was playing.

My Learnings

I buy and I sell,

That’s what I do.

I see what’s in it,

That’s who I am.

Selling great stuff,

That’s what I love.

Eyes full of passion,

That’s who I am.

We are what we eat,

That’s what I say.

Saying no to bullshit,

That’s who I am.

No need for animals suffering,

That’s how I see it.

Thinking of vegetarians too,

That’s who I am.

Chemistry makes people sick.

That’s what I hear.

Selling healthy food for people,

That’s who I am.

This hood is my baby,

That’s what I get up for.

Putting my heart into it,

That’s who I am.

Every weekend I hustle,

That’s what you see.

Trading value for money,

That’s who I am.

Good stuff has it’s price,

That’s what I know.

Turning food into happiness,

That’s who I am.

A Trading Man.

Just a trading man.

A happy man.

A working man.

Who am I?

Reflection Questions

1) Are you a trader or a producer? Why?

2) Do you share the statement “you are what you eat”?

3) At which point in your life did you find out who you really are and what you really want to do?



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