# 140: Freeing the Inner Rebel
Story behind the Passage
I talked about scanner personalities and Barbara Sher before. Anne Heintze is pretty much the German pendant on this topic. She translated and adapted Sher’s wisdom for the German audience. Today, I grabbed the book because I had an exchange with someone in a corporate. And what I took away from this was: Nothing changes, people shut up and do what the bosses tell them. Even if they invested a lot of time and passion into change before, they simply say “Yes, Sir” and just swallow everything.
Well, of course, it is not that easy to swallow stuff but it seems to be easier than opening your mouth, right? Otherwise, there would not be that much ass-kissing around. But I am not judging people for doing this. I did this when I was younger — I mean, the judging, not the kissing…. I could not understand. I tried to encourage them to kick asses instead of kissing them. But you get sick when you get too involved in this. You cannot change other people’s decisions. It is perfectly fine to just let other people decide over you if this is your choice. It is fear that makes people shut up and fear is the most important force. It is o.k.
I also have fear, we all do. But I still always quit when I saw bullshit happen.
But before, I opened my mouth.
I could not shut up — never.
So, this is also why I started thinking about scanners (= allrounders, jack of all trades) again and the fact that we always become the villains. We are the outcasts because we not only see stuff very clearly that is not right — we also voice it. Usually, this does not help our careers. But it helps our dignity. At least, we can look in the mirror and feel like we are saving our face. And we show other people how you can do this as well. Usually, that does not change their behavior. At least, they sometimes approach you (in secret) and tell you how much they admire what you did for bringing about innovation and disrupting harmful cultural norms.
All this does not pay your bills but it makes you feel like you are true to yourself. And the good thing is: as a scanner, you usually have abilities that save you from starving because you can work on your own without having some corporate politics to mess with. Yes, it is funny that I am writing this just one day after writing how much more tolerant and accepting I have become when it comes to micro-politics. Maybe, I was a bit too optimistic. Today, at least, when my contact told me about what is going on, I immediately felt this immense anger creep up my throat. I could not spend one single hour as an employee in that company.
So, is this what creating room for your inner rebel means?
My Learnings
“Als gelöste Vielbegabte trauen sie sich, dem inneren Rebellen Raum zu geben, und haben keine Furcht (mehr) anzuecken und gegen den Strom zu schwimmen.“ / “As unleashed scanners, they dare give inner room to the rebel inside and they are not afraid (anymore) of offending others and swimming against the current.“ When I say „unleashed,“ in the context of Sher and Heintze’s work, this means scanners who are not fighting their own nature anymore. These are people that have accepted that they are different, that their brains work differently, and that trying to be like all others will probably kill them in the long run — or at least make them sick or extremely unhealthy.
It all happened to me before. So, I kind of know what she is talking about. But I am not complaining.
The thing is just that there are backlashes and it is not always that easy to be a healthy rebel — or to see yourself as one. Sometimes, like in my story today, I simply notice that I am a rebel and that I cannot change it. I tried, for sure, but it did not work. If a company is wasting potential or burning human resources, this simply makes me furious. And this happens, even though I know how complex organizations are and that running them is no piece of cake. Still, I also know how much of all this bullshit is simply caused by: 1) ego, 2) lack of IQ, 3) greed, 4) combinations of the three + constant fear.
So, actually, I am quite happy that this situation occurred today. First, I felt quite down and really frustrated because it told me that the entire project I had done had zero sustainable impact. But to be honest, I knew that before — in spite of all my optimism. When people tell me “I do not believe in consulting” — I agree. I am sorry, but I have to agree by now. I tried to not agree for such a long time. Now I do. But one thing that can still derive from consulting is related to what I am writing above. You can still touch and maybe even move individuals. Consulting is simply the “cover” that lets you get in touch.
Overall, this reflection and insight is making me happy because it confirms what I knew deep inside in the first place: If there is one thing I do believe in, it is not consulting, it is stories. Yes, it is really trivial, but I do think so. Even if you read this tale here today and you simply think about it for the time that you are reading or for a few minutes longer, my lines have managed to make it into your head — and maybe heart. You are giving the story room in your life. With many consulting projects or scientific talks, this is not the case. People are in defense mode and sleep right through them. They are not touched or moved to do or think anything.
Hmmm, I am just thinking that I might have offended quite a few people again now with my text. But this seems to be our curse, right? Let us swim on — we will reach shore at some point. Maybe the shore belongs to a beautiful island. And maybe there are other rebels who will jump into the cold water and follow. Every change has its pioneers. Every society has its rebels.
And every culture has its writers.
They do not allow anybody or anything to silence them.
Not even a virus or the lack of public funds.
Reflection Questions
1) Do you think rebels create value in society? Why/not?
2) What is an example of a situation in which you “swam against the current”?
3) What are your biggest strengths?